Share real customer stories that matter.

Our team handles the entire process from ideation to final approval. Giving you the goods without the burden. 


Intake call

Schedule your intake call.

Hop on a short call to tell us a bit about your product or service and a standout customer's experience.

(Fun fact: Customers LOVE being featured in free commercial grade content). 


Review your plan

Review the shoot plan Culture Media House creates for you.

Our team will iron out a storyline, shoot plan, and all of the logistics needed to tackle this project from start to finish.


Bring it to life

Watch your brand be brought to life in true cinematic form.

Our team of export content creators will travel to your customers location and capture original, live action shots of your product or service in action.


Review and approve

Review your video case study then share it with the world.

Review your video case study and provide any feedback until it receives your final stamp of approval. Then, ship it out to the world.

Join the content movement.

Share your brand's story with the world today.